2015 LAB Meeting
The 2015 meeting of the Library Advisory Board was attended by the North America members of the Library Advisory Board and ACM staff and took place over a two day period in New York City.
The meeting began with an introduction to the ACM by Scott Delman, ACM Director of Publications, and its mission to advance the Computing field by serving the research community, students, educators, and practitioners.
- Kathy Brost - Mentor Graphics Corporation
- Dianne Dietrich - Cornell University
- Carol Hutchins - New York University
- Victoria Reich - Stanford University / LOCKSS
- Isabella Garcia - Qualcomm Library & Information Services
- Rafael Lopes - Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITMS), Mexico
- Sonja Gardner - National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Fang Wan - University of Rochester
- Scott Delman - ACM Director of Group Publishing
- Bernard Rous - ACM Director of Publications
- Joshua Horowitz - ACM Digital Library Sales Manager
- Nolen Harris - ACM Digital Library Account Manager
- Asad Ali - ACM Database Developer
Meeting Agenda
Thursday, July 23, 2015
9:00 AM
Opening Statement & Roundtable Introductions
9:30 AM
Information Literacy as a Student Learning Outcome in the Era of Google (Rafael)
10:00 AM
Assessing Value of Information Products & Services for Corporations (Kathy)
10:45 AM
ACM Digital Library Platform Developments (Asad)
11:15 AM
Access Methodologies and Using ACM Content Outside the DL Environment (Isabelle)
12:00 PM
Challenges in Promoting ACM Content for Corporations (Isabelle)
1:30 PM
Data Management (Diane)
2:00 PM
Data & Software in Publication (Bernie)
2:45 PM
3D Technology in Engineering Study & Research (Fang)
3:15 PM
Digital Preservation in the Age of Green, Gold, & Hybrid OA (Vicky)
4:00 PM
Government Public Access Mandates (Sonja)
4:30 PM
Open Access Tools (Sonja)
5:00 PM
CHORUS Update (Scott)
Friday, July 24, 2015
9:00 AM
Using Metrics to Evaluate Impact in Scholarly Literature (Carol)
9:45 AM
ACM Pricing & Policy Update (Nolen & Josh)
10:30 AM
Subscription Agency Risks for Libraries & Publishers (Nolen)
11:15 AM
Introduction to ACM Books (Josh)
11:45 AM
New Information Products & Services Brainstorming (Scott)
12:30 PM
Free Trial
30 day trials are available for institutions interested in evaluating the ACM DL. Apply Here

ACM Books
ACM Books is a new series of scholarly research monographs and graduate-level texts, authored by computer scientists and practitioners at the forefront of computing technology.