Features of the New ACM Digital Library
An Email Series Exploring Many of the Features and Functionality Built into the New ACM DL
ACM launched an entirely new ACM Digital Library on January 1, 2020. The new ACM DL includes ACM's complete database of articles and related artifacts published during the past 70 years.
We invite you to explore the new ACM DL on your desktop, tablet and mobile devices and discover some of the many enhancements in usability and functionality. To tell us what you think, please use the feedback button on the ACM DL, or contact us via email at [email protected], or via Twitter @ACMDL.
Refine your searches using “Advanced Search” in the ACM DL
To access the Advanced Search interface in the ACM DL, click the “Advanced Search” link on the DL homepage or in the main navigation at the top of any DL webpage. You can also click the “Edit Search” button at the top of any search results page.
You can choose whether to search within the ACM Full-Text collection or expand your search across the computing space with the ACM Guide to Computing Literature.

Want to receive updates on features of the new DL before the official cutover? Sign up for our weekly email series.