Search upcoming and past conferences in the ACM Digital Library
Last week, we showed you how the “People” section of the ACM Digital Library allows you to discover ACM’s community of authors across the broad spectrum of computing disciplines. Now, we’d like to introduce you to the “Conferences when and where” section, your portal to the 170 computing conferences, workshops, and symposia around the world organized by ACM and ACM Special Interest Groups (SIGs).
When you visit the conferences section of the ACM DL and select the “Conferences when and where” tab, you’ll see a list of the latest ACM conferences and a form that allows you to search for upcoming and past conferences by title, location, and sponsoring SIG, and an option to filter by date range. To the right is a map that displays your search results with pins on the location in which they were or will be hosted.
Each of the conference search results – whether viewed in the drop-down list or on the location pin on the map – displays the short and complete conference name, dates, venue and a link to that conference’s official website. The search results listing also provides a listing of the sponsoring SIG(s), a link to the conference’s page within the DL, and links to all the proceedings associated with the conference.