Learn about ACM's SIGs in the ACM Digital Library
On the DL homepage, select “SIGs” in the main navigation bar. Here you will find the names and descriptions of all 37 of ACM’s SIGs, (choose between a “Grid View” or a “List View”). Click on any SIG to navigate to its homepage in the DL. At the top of the SIG’s DL homepage, you’ll find a brief description of the SIG, a link to join this or any other ACM SIG, and a link to the SIG’s website. ACM SIGs maintain their own websites where they provide information about their activities and communities.
At the top of the SIG’s DL homepage, you’ll find a brief description of the SIG, a link to join this or any other ACM SIG, and a link to the SIG’s website. ACM SIGs maintain their own websites where they provide information about their activities and communities.
Below the description and links, you’ll see the name, date, location and website link of the SIG’s next conference. Beneath this, you’ll find publication and citation details about this SIG’s publications, including its active publication years, publication counts, total publications available for download, citation counts, etc.
In the section below this, you’ll see a word cloud displaying the top subject areas this SIG covers, its most frequent affiliations, links to its proceedings (sortable by latest and most viewed), and its most cited authors. Beneath this is a list of ACM Award recipients who have published articles in this SIG’s publications, and farther down is a table displaying the most popular articles (sortable by downloads or citations) published by this SIG.