Customize your DL experience by taking advantage of TOC alerts
Last week, we introduced you to several new search features of the ACM Digital Library that you can currently explore in the DLNext beta site, including setting up saved searches and alerts of new content that matches those search parameters. This week, we invite you to further customize your DL experience by taking advantage of TOC alerts.
TOC alerts allow you to receive email updates when your favorite journals, conference proceedings or magazines publish new content, and to set the frequency and format with which you’d like to receive these notifications. Just click the “Get Alerts for this Journal” button on any journal page. The same goes for magazines and conference proceedings.
You’ll need a free ACM account in order to register for alerts. Setting up an ACM account is fast and easy and allows you to take advantage of many of the powerful functionalities of the new DL. Just click the “Register” button in the top right corner of any DLNext page to create your ACM account. Once you’re logged into the DL using your account credentials, you can easily update your “My Profile” options to add or delete alerts, adjust their frequency, and more.